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Inclusive Teaching

Students at the Commonwealth Campuses have diverse social identities, backgrounds, language competencies, and geographical regions. Teaching inclusively can help your students feel valued and valued while giving them equitable opportunities to learn and demonstrate their knowledge.

Explore this collection of resources to help you integrate inclusive teaching techniques and ideas into your courses.

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Faculty Pop-Up Training Series: Accessibility Tools


Learn about the latest accessibility features to create an inclusive learning environment for all students.

Universal Design Strategies for the In-Person Classroom

Event, Recording

Universal Design Guideline: Multiple Means of Representation, Engagement & Action and Expression When we deliver in-person courses, we often consider what content we need to cover, how we will con...

Universal Design Strategies for the In-Person Classroom

Event, Recording

Universal Design Guideline: Multiple Means of Representation, Engagement & Action and Expression When we deliver in-person courses, we often consider what content we need to cover, how we will con...

Designing in Canvas for All Learners


Universal Design Guideline: Multiple Means of Representation, Engagement, & Action and Expression One of the key components of learn...

Designing in Canvas for All Learners


Universal Design Guideline: Multiple Means of Representation, Engagement, & Action and Expression One of the key components of learner success is designing course content that learners can easily...

New in Canvas: Anthology Ally – Alternative Formats and Accessibility Tools

Event, Recording

Anthology Ally is now enabled in Canvas. Based on our experience in the Spring 2023 pilot, we will discuss the alternative format options available to all students, the accessibility guidance features...

Creating Authentic Connections with Students

Event, Recording

In this presentation, Hannah Mudrick and Michelle Kaschak will share inclusive practices and tools that they have successfully used to create genuine connections with their students from the first day...

Meeting Students in a New Reality: Dealing with Accessibility, Engagement and Technology for Immersive Experiences in Virtual Reality Across the Curriculum

Event, Recording

Immersive experiences provide great platforms for learning but implementing them in courses can sometimes be difficult. Virtual Reality technologies can help alleviate some of those issues and provide...

Strategies for Formative and Genuine Assessment

Event, Recording

This session provides intriguing practical strategies and evidence-based approaches to foster a supportive learning environment and deeper student engagement

Rethinking the Curriculum to Strengthen Learning, Inclusion, and Belonging

Event, Recording

Integrating a global learning perspective into the curriculum expands students’ horizons and promotes inclusion and belonging. This approach creates avenues for students to delve into various worldvie...

Strategies for Student-Centered Engagement & Support

Event, Recording

Meeting the needs of each student is essential for retention of students in courses and programs. Applying a student-centered perspective and approach can strengthen an instructor’s ability to meet th...

Transforming and Innovating with Open Pedagogy

Event, Recording

This session will approach open pedagogy through projects or assignments which have the characteristics of engaging with students as creators of information rather than simply consumers of it, and inv...

Facilitating Difficult Questions Emphasized on Racial Equality, Social Justice, and Sexuality

Event, Recording

This session will incorporate the theme of discussing difficult but important questions based within undoing preconceived notions of race, social justice, and sexuality aspects. The faculty presenters...

Unlocking the Power of Collaboration: Strategies for Successful Student Group Work

Event, Recording

Group work can be both challenging and rewarding for students. In this session, three faculty members from the disciplines of sociology, engineering, and mathematics will discuss how they have success...

Inclusive Teaching Meets Students Where They Are

Event, Recording

In this session, we explore strategies that foster greater inclusion and belonging for students while enhancing learning through effective approaches to feedback.

Instructional Strategies to Support Invisible Disabilities


Did you know that the majority of accommodation requests are for disabilities that are not considered apparent? To make matters worse, that number only includes those students who choose to identify a...

Instructional Strategies to Support Invisible Disabilities


Did you know that the majority of accommodation requests are for disabilities that are not considered apparent? To make matters worse, that number only includes those students who choose to identify a...

Designing Your Syllabus to Support Learner Success


Did you know that the majority of disabled learners in your classroom have invisible disabilities that you can not see? The recommended strategies to reach these disabled learners actually benefit ALL...

Designing Your Syllabus to Support Learner Success


Did you know that the majority of disabled learners in your classroom have invisible disabilities that you can not see? The recommended strategies to reach these disabled learners actually benefit ALL...

Increasing Learner Success Through Universally Designed Assessments


Have you ever struggled with what feels like a disconnect between how some learners perform on assessments and what was taught in the classroom? There are some pedagogical strategies that can help all...