Course Design & Plannning
Explore this curated selection of resources aimed to help you improve your courses, whether you are embarking on creating a new course from scratch or revising a current one.
Search for Course Design & Planning Resources
Faculty Pop-Up Training Series: AI Literacy Canvas Modules
Tour Penn State’s Canvas Module on Artificial Intelligence. This student-focused material can be imported into any course.
Faculty Pop-Up Training Series: Digital Whiteboards
Discover innovative ways to engage with your students using digital whiteboards in Microsoft or Zoom.
Faculty Pop-Up Training Series: Accessibility Tools
Learn about the latest accessibility features to create an inclusive learning environment for all students.
Universal Design Strategies for the In-Person Classroom
Universal Design Guideline: Multiple Means of Representation, Engagement & Action and Expression When we deliver in-person courses, we often consider what content we need to cover, how we will con...
Universal Design Strategies for the In-Person Classroom
Universal Design Guideline: Multiple Means of Representation, Engagement & Action and Expression When we deliver in-person courses, we often consider what content we need to cover, how we will con...
Optimizing Online Teaching: Strategies and Insights
This session will be focused on online teaching. The faculty presenters will share the teaching strategies they recommend for successfully teaching online. They will also recommend professional develo...
Exploring Best Practices for Assignment Creation and Effective Assessment in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Join this session to explore how two instructors address assignment design in light of artificial intelligence. Learn how one instructor is meeting ChatGPT head-on using a collaborative assignment. An...
Transforming and Innovating with Open Pedagogy
This session will approach open pedagogy through projects or assignments which have the characteristics of engaging with students as creators of information rather than simply consumers of it, and inv...
Unlocking the Power of Collaboration: Strategies for Successful Student Group Work
Group work can be both challenging and rewarding for students. In this session, three faculty members from the disciplines of sociology, engineering, and mathematics will discuss how they have success...
Using Library Resources to Innovate Sustainable Assignments and for Citation Strategies
This session highlights the use of library resources! The first is an innovative and sustainable assignment using the ProQuest database, where students create a letter to the editor based on opinions...
Instructional Strategies to Support Invisible Disabilities
Did you know that the majority of accommodation requests are for disabilities that are not considered apparent? To make matters worse, that number only includes those students who choose to identify a...
Instructional Strategies to Support Invisible Disabilities
Did you know that the majority of accommodation requests are for disabilities that are not considered apparent? To make matters worse, that number only includes those students who choose to identify a...
Increasing Learner Success Through Universally Designed Assessments
Have you ever struggled with what feels like a disconnect between how some learners perform on assessments and what was taught in the classroom? There are some pedagogical strategies that can help all...
Is your class a gathering? Insights from The Art of Gathering
This summer, consider designing a course by applying concepts from Priya Parker's The Art of Gathering.
Commonwealth Connections: Instructor Days, Fall 2023 (Day 2)
On August 9th and 10th, join colleagues from the Penn State Commonwealth Campuses to energize for the upcoming semester.
Commonwealth Connections: Instructor Days, Fall 2023 (Day 1)
On August 9th and 10th, join colleagues from the Penn State Commonwealth Campuses to energize for the upcoming semester.
Commonwealth Connections: Instructor Days, Fall 2023
On August 9th and 10th, join colleagues from the Penn State Commonwealth Campuses to energize for the upcoming semester.
DuBois Teaching and Learning with Technology Event
Teaching and Learning with Technology and Instructional Strategies at DuBois, a 1/2 day event offered in person and online to interested faculty and staff across the Penn State system.
Use Pathways to Pedagogy (P2P) as part of your Instructional Toolkit
Have you checked out the Toolkit section of the Commonwealth Campus Teaching Support website? In this section, we highlight an important resource that you can refer to for instructional ideas - the P...