Explore the collection of curated, Penn State Commonwealth Campus focussed resources aimed to help you get the most out of Canvas in your courses.
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Commonwealth Connections: Instructor Day Spring 2023
Join us for a half-day, virtual event focusing on strategies for teaching the whole student. This event will feature an instructor panel and a student panel, followed by an open discussion. Topics of...
Student Success Canvas Module
Import this module into your Canvas course spaces to help students become aware of research-based strategies that can improve their chances of success in college.
How to Share Kaltura/Zoom Recordings on Canvas
Kaltura and Zoom recordings can be shared in your Canvas course manually or automatically, using the Media Gallery. This guide shows the step-by-step process for both options.
Workshop: Organizing Course Content in Canvas
This session will cover best practices for organizing your course content in a way that you and your students can easily navigate. Participants will have the opportunity to modify one of their existin...
Using Learning Mastery in the Canvas Gradebook
The vast majority of students pass their courses and progress through their major even as they accumulate gaps in their knowledge. The Mastery approach prevents these gaps by making individualized mod...