Commonwealth Connections: Instructor Days

Save the Date! Join us for a half-day, virtual event focusing on teaching, learning, and technology which will include a student panel, followed by an instructor panel. More information will be provided soon.  

Introduction to Canvas for New Commonwealth Campus Instructors

IT Learning Design (ITLD) is offering a Canvas Training for new Commonwealth Campus instructors on Zoom on: January 9th from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Participants will be able to:    Identify key features and tools of Canvas and their basic functions    Identify possible use cases for Canvas    Identify benefits of using Canvas    Locate support resources for using Canvas    […]

Set up Your Canvas Gradebook to Work for You (And Your Students!)

Are your students frequently asking about their grades or expressing confusion about how they’re calculated? Learn how to make your Canvas gradebook work for you and your students. In this workshop, we’ll discuss automating common grading policies like dropping the lowest test or homework scores, weighting assignments, and more. Bring your Spring 2025 syllabus and […]

Designing in Canvas for All Learners, Part 1

A key component of learner success is course content that learners can easily navigate.  By considering the design of course content in Canvas, faculty can significantly affect how successful learners are in a course.  This workshop will provide participants with best practices related to course navigation, module structure, and the Canvas content editor.  These strategies will help you reduce barriers for learners. 

Designing Course Videos to Engage All Audiences

Using instructional video can increase learner engagement with course material.  Video can provide alternatives for representing ideas to students, add relevance and value, and provide options to learners.  This workshop will help participants to develop new instructional video that is universally designed and consider the many ways in which learners will consume video content in […]

Designing Course Videos to Engage All Audiences

Using instructional video can increase learner engagement with course material.  Video can provide alternatives for representing ideas to students, add relevance and value, and provide options to learners.  This workshop will help participants to develop new instructional video that is universally designed and consider the many ways in which learners will consume video content in […]

Instructional Strategies to Support Invisible Disabilities

Did you know that the majority of accommodation requests are for disabilities that are not considered apparent? To make matters worse, that number only includes those students who choose to identify as having a disability. Imagine what it is like to struggle with a disability, but be afraid to request help for fear of judgment. […]

Instructional Strategies to Support Invisible Disabilities

Did you know that the majority of accommodation requests are for disabilities that are not considered apparent? To make matters worse, that number only includes those students who choose to identify as having a disability. Imagine what it is like to struggle with a disability, but be afraid to request help for fear of judgment. […]

Supporting Learner Success in the Humanities Classroom

Universal Design Guideline: Multiple Means of Representation, Multiple Means of Engagement  Humanities and social science course content present a variety of challenges when it comes to universal design.  Depending on the course, content can be very specialized and intricate.  This is exacerbated when learners potentially have visual, hearing, or cognitive barriers to consuming the content. […]

Creating STEM Content that All Learners Can Understand

Universal Design Guideline: Multiple Means of Representation, Multiple Means of Engagement  STEM content can be especially difficult for learners to comprehend.  This includes content such as math and science equations, complex images, and tables. That difficulty increases when learners have a disability like ADHD or a cognitive processing disorder.    This workshop will provide participants […]