Designing Your Syllabus to Support Learner Success

Did you know that the majority of disabled learners in your classroom have invisible disabilities that you can not see? The recommended strategies to reach these disabled learners actually benefit ALL learners in your classroom. This hands-on workshop will focus on strategies that you can use to make your course more universally designed for all learners. During the workshop, you will be able to apply your new skills to your course syllabus.

Considering the Big Picture When Using Visuals in the Classroom

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. What if a learner can not see that picture?  How do they understand the idea?  What if the visual is a complex graphic or map?  How do learners know what they should be thinking about when they interpret the visual?  This workshop will help participants to view visuals as one component in the bigger puzzle of providing content to learners.  Strategies for helping blind and sighted learners navigate the visuals in your course will be presented, along with opportunities to apply those skills to your own course content during the workshop session.      

Universal Design Strategies for the In-Person Classroom

Universal Design Guideline: Multiple Means of Representation, Engagement & Action and Expression When we deliver in-person courses, we often consider what content we need to cover, how we will convey that information to learners, how we will assess learner understanding, and what strategies will help us manage it all.  This workshop will provide opportunities to consider […]

Universal Design Strategies for the In-Person Classroom

Universal Design Guideline: Multiple Means of Representation, Engagement & Action and Expression When we deliver in-person courses, we often consider what content we need to cover, how we will convey that information to learners, how we will assess learner understanding, and what strategies will help us manage it all.  This workshop will provide opportunities to consider […]

Increasing Learner Success Through Universally Designed Assessments

Universal Design Guideline: Multiple Means of Engagement and Action & Expression Have you ever struggled with what feels like a disconnect between how some learners perform on assessments and what was taught in the classroom? There are some pedagogical strategies that can help all learners perform better on assessments, such as providing more opportunities for […]

Increasing Learner Success Through Universally Designed Assessments

Universal Design Guideline: Multiple Means of Engagement and Action & Expression Have you ever struggled with what feels like a disconnect between how some learners perform on assessments and what was taught in the classroom? There are some pedagogical strategies that can help all learners perform better on assessments, such as providing more opportunities for […]

Teaching on the DLC Orientation: Part 1 Setting up for Success

Join us for a 2-part series designed to guide your preparations to teach a DLC course to students at multiple campuses. These 1-hour sessions will cover the essentials from logistical processes to pedagogical approaches, and everything in between.   Part 1: Setting up for Success  The first workshop will focus on essential considerations for teaching […]

Designing Your Syllabus to Support Learner Success

Did you know that the majority of disabled learners in your classroom have invisible disabilities that you can not see? The recommended strategies to reach these disabled learners actually benefit ALL learners in your classroom. This hands-on workshop will focus on strategies that you can use to make your course more universally designed for all learners. During the workshop, you will be able to apply your new skills to your course syllabus.

Teaching on the DLC Orientation: Part 2 Designing for Engagement

Join us for a 2-part series designed to guide your preparations to teach a DLC course to students at multiple campuses. These 1-hour sessions will cover the essentials from logistical processes to pedagogical approaches, and everything in between.   Part 2: Designing for Engagement In the second workshop, we will explore strategies to enhance interaction, […]

Commonwealth Connections: Instructor Days

Save the Date! Join us for a half-day, virtual event focusing on teaching, learning, and technology which will include a student panel, followed by an instructor panel. More information will be provided soon.