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Creating Universally Designed PDF Documents (3/20/26)

Do you have PDF documents in your course that are articles from publishers?   Have you ever scanned pages from a book to make sure students did not need to buy...

Creating Universally Designed PDF Documents (2/24/26)

Do you have PDF documents in your course that are articles from publishers?   Have you ever scanned pages from a book to make sure students did not need to buy...

Creating Universally Designed PDF Documents (11/17/25)

Do you have PDF documents in your course that are articles from publishers?   Have you ever scanned pages from a book to make sure students did not need to buy...

Creating Universally Designed PDF Documents (10/31/25)

Do you have PDF documents in your course that are articles from publishers?   Have you ever scanned pages from a book to make sure students did not need to buy...

Creating Universally Designed PDF Documents (9/24/25)

Do you have PDF documents in your course that are articles from publishers?   Have you ever scanned pages from a book to make sure students did not need to buy...

Designing in Canvas for All Learners, Part 2 (3/18/26)

A key component of learner success is course content that learners can easily consume.  By considering the design of course content in Canvas, faculty can significantly affect how successful learners...

Supporting Learner Success in the Humanities Classroom (3/3/26)

Universal Design Guideline: Multiple Means of Representation, Multiple Means of Engagement Humanities and social science course content present a variety of challenges when it comes to universal design.  Depending on...

Creating STEM Content that All Learners Can Understand (3/4/26)

Universal Design Guideline: Multiple Means of Representation, Multiple Means of Engagement STEM content can be especially difficult for learners to comprehend.  This includes content such as math and science equations,...

Instructional Strategies to Support Invisible Disabilities (2/17/26)

Did you know that the majority of accommodation requests are for disabilities that are not considered apparent? To make matters worse, that number only includes those students who choose to...

Instructional Strategies to Support Invisible Disabilities (2/16/26)

Did you know that the majority of accommodation requests are for disabilities that are not considered apparent? To make matters worse, that number only includes those students who choose to...

Designing Course Videos to Engage All Audiences (1/29/26)

Using instructional video can increase learner engagement with course material.  Video can provide alternatives for representing ideas to students, add relevance and value, and provide options to learners.  This workshop...

Designing Course Videos to Engage All Audiences (1/28/26)

Using instructional video can increase learner engagement with course material.  Video can provide alternatives for representing ideas to students, add relevance and value, and provide options to learners.  This workshop...

Increasing Learner Success Through Universally Designed Assessments (11/14/25)

Universal Design Guideline: Multiple Means of Engagement and Action & Expression Have you ever struggled with what feels like a disconnect between how some learners perform on assessments and what...

Increasing Learner Success Through Universally Designed Assessments (11/11/25)

Universal Design Guideline: Multiple Means of Engagement and Action & Expression Have you ever struggled with what feels like a disconnect between how some learners perform on assessments and what...

Universal Design Strategies for the In-Person Classroom (10/14/25)

Universal Design Guideline: Multiple Means of Representation, Engagement & Action and Expression When we deliver in-person courses, we often consider what content we need to cover, how we will convey that...

Universal Design Strategies for the In-Person Classroom (10/13/25)

Universal Design Guideline: Multiple Means of Representation, Engagement & Action and Expression When we deliver in-person courses, we often consider what content we need to cover, how we will convey that...

Considering the Big Picture When Using Visuals in the Classroom (9/18/25)

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. What if a learner can not see that picture? How do they understand the idea? What if the visual is a...

Considering the Big Picture When Using Visuals in the Classroom (9/17/25)

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. What if a learner can not see that picture? How do they understand the idea? What if the visual is a...

Designing in Canvas for All Learners, Part 1 (1/9/26)

A key component of learner success is course content that learners can easily navigate. By considering the design of course content in Canvas, faculty can significantly affect how successful learners...

Designing in Canvas for All Learners, Part 1 (8/22/25)

A key component of learner success is course content that learners can easily navigate. By considering the design of course content in Canvas, faculty can significantly affect how successful learners...