Teaching and Learning in the Real World: Client & Project Based Instruction
This session will highlight two projects designed to enhance student learning through real-world, workplace-applicable project-based instruction.
by Sarah Kettell | Aug 1, 2022 | Course Design & Plannning
This session will highlight two projects designed to enhance student learning through real-world, workplace-applicable project-based instruction.
by Sarah Kettell | Jul 29, 2022 | Course Design & Plannning
In this session, Dr. Petko and Dr. Powless will share their experiences using flipped classroom techniques to promote active learning in their courses.
by Sarah Kettell | Jul 29, 2022 | Inclusive Teaching
Faculty play a critical role in student support. In this session, the presenters will share several strategies to take advantage of their unique opportunities to interact their students, helping their students boost self-confidence and develop a positive sense of belonging.
by Sarah Kettell | Jul 29, 2022 | Assessment, Course Design & Plannning
This session will outline how two instructors revamped their grading processes for better student learning outcomes and more efficient grading by the instructors.
by Sarah Kettell | Jul 29, 2022 | Course Design & Plannning
The presenters will share the formation of groups in diverse courses (one is capstone) and provide steps to help faculty from group formation, to assigning tasks, to individual and peer assessment, as well as best practices, learned from successfully operating teams in their courses.