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Active Learning Through Gameplay

Capturing and securing student attention can be a struggle for even the most seasoned instructors. As educators strive to create meaningful learning experiences for students, we will share two game-based activities to enhance student engagement. First, ‘Escape rooms’ are game-based learning activities in which students detect clues, solve puzzles, and work collaboratively to “escape” the room. Second, Kahoot, a free online tool, is more engaging and rewarding for students than zoom polls.

Enhancing STEM learning through 3-D Visualization and Digital Collaboration Tools

Enhance student learning in the Sciences with free or low cost tools for interactive and customizable 3-D visualizations then use these tools to create collaborative learning activities for the lab, classroom, and at-home learning using Google Jamboard and Docs. Originally developed for anatomy and physiology courses, these strategies can be adapted for a diverse array of materials.

Designing Projects to Enhance Understanding and Engagement

Designing student projects to increase student engagement and understanding. We will discuss two types of student projects, 1) utilizing case studies to review theories and incorporating an incremental final project where students prepare their own case studies to demonstrate their research and knowledge; 2) increasing students’ communication skills and digital fluency through a compelling infographic storytelling project where students highlight a local entrepreneur’s journey, from start-up through growth.

Continuing the Conversation

How often do you have a chance to talk with other instructors who teach similar topics and/or courses as yourself? Join your colleagues in discipline-specific breakout rooms for round-table informal discussions about teaching and learning.