The Exam Wrapper is a tool to facilitate student reflection after an exam and to promote metacognition as students prepare for the next exam. Students complete the exam wrapper (which is a series of reflective questions) after the exam has been taken and a grade has been received in order to create a new study plan. (See image representation of the process below.)
There are many questions that could be used to help to facilitate student reflection. Questions could include:
- How many days in advance did you start studying for the exam?
- Approximately how much time did you spend studying?
- What resources did you use in preparing for the exam? (notes, Canvas pages, handouts, textbook)
- After completing the exam, what grade did you expect? How does that compare to the grade you received?
For more ideas of questions to include, check out these example exam wrappers. These examples can be easily adapted to be for more general use and not geared toward specific content areas.
- Carnegie Mellon University – Includes exam wrappers for Biology, Chemistry Math, Physics
- Penn State Harrisburg – Includes exam wrappers for Biology and Statistics
Why use this strategy?
Asking students to reflect on their preparation for an exam promotes metacognition so that students can formulate a plan on how to improve their study strategies for future exams.
Tools to Consider Using:
- Pencil and paper (in person)
- Convert to a Google Form (in person or online)
- Canvas assignment (in person or online) – quiz or students upload the document
Tips for use:
- Assign as a post-exam homework assignment worth points
- Require students who earn under a certain grade on an exam to complete the exam wrapper and meet with you during office hours to discuss.