Learn options for uploading and sharing media, as well as collaborating on media or media collections within Penn State’s Media management and streaming service, Kaltura MediaSpace.
During this session, participants will learn about their options for uploading and sharing media, and collaborating on media or media collections within Penn State’s Media management and streaming service, Kaltura MediaSpace. Participants will learn about how to share individual items to be worked on collaboratively with others and how to create channels for a variety of audiences.
Learning Paths:
Kaltura Learning Path for MediaSpace Users
Kaltura Learning Path for Canvas Users
Adding media:
Upload Media
Create a Video with Kaltura Capture
Add a YouTube Video to Kaltura
Collaboration Resources:
Publishing Options in MediaSpace
Add Collaborators to a Video
Permissions Summary
Channel Resources:
Create a Channel in MediaSpace
Add Members to a Channel
Publish Media to a Channel
Create Channel Playlists
Channel Analytics