Home 9 Event 9 DuBois Teaching and Learning with Technology Event

DuBois Teaching and Learning with Technology Event

Format: Hybrid

Penn State DuBois will be hosting a Teaching and Learning event at DuBois (and online via zoom) on April 4th from 12-3:00 p.m.  Here is a link for your to read for more information: https://dubois.psu.edu/TLTatDuBois. If you or your faculty plan to attend online please have them fill out the MS form w/o a non-lunch option.

The afternoon will be launched by our Chancellor into concurrent sessions focused on Teaching, Learning & Technology presented by faculty at DuBois as well as invited guests from the Teaching and Learning areas across Penn State.  We will have a mix of online and in-person presenters, staying true to the fact that we can learn anytime, anywhere.

A full schedule of presenters with descriptions will be provided to attendees to allow you to choose sessions throughout the day. They will be posted shortly at https://dubois.psu.edu/TLTatDuBois.

Please RSVP using this form https://forms.office.com/r/rKH9bgzVPy or QR code below, so we can have a head count for the event. Thank you for sharing this information.


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