Full AI Use Assignment Example
Assignment Title: AI Debate
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in our world, revolutionizing industries, shaping economies, and influencing our daily lives. You have used AI multiple times in this class, and now in this assignment, you will engage in a debate with AI about AI’s impact on humans. You will assume a position either in opposition or support of the following statement “Artificial intelligence is the downfall of education, and human thinking will be replaced with AI ”. Then, you will have Microsoft CoPilot assume a persona of the opposite position to simulate a debate. You will initiate the conversation with AI using the prompt found below, then counter 2-3 of the opposing arguments with thoughtful, researched responses. You will provide screenshots of the debate as well as the text output of the debate.
*Alternative assignments are available for those who wish not to use AI. You must contact me at least one week prior to the assignment’s due date for the alternative assignment.
** For a tutorial on how to use AI and Microsoft CoPilot, review the following video via this link: Generative Artificial Intelligence
1. Choose Your Position
- Pro-AI (Support): You believe that AI enhances education and human thinking.
- Anti-AI (Opposition): You believe that AI poses risks to education and threatens human cognitive abilities.
2. Debate with Artificial Intelligence
- Have Microsoft CoPilot assume the opposite position of your own stance. If you agree with the statement, have AI argue against it; if you disagree, have AI argue in favor of it.
- Initiate conversation by editing and copying the below statement into Microsoft CoPilot: “Take on the persona of professor in opposition/support of the following statement: ‘Artificial intelligence is the downfall of education, and human thinking will be replaced with AI.’ Debate with me about the impact of AI on humanity.”
Then, rebut the 2-3 claims of Microsoft CoPilot (2-3 paragraphs) and submit it back to Microsoft CoPilot. Go back and forth with AI twice. Provide references in your final submission.
- Engage in a discussion with Microsoft CoPilot, presenting evidence to support your position.
- Be prepared to counter AI’s arguments effectively. Effectively means you must write well, using proper syntax, and you must use credible support for your argument.
3. Format into an essay
- Export the text of the debate with AI to word.
- Change the format so that it reads like an essay.
- Make necessary changes to syntax and grammar. Add an introduction/opening statement and conclusion/closing remarks as well.
- The essay should be at least 7 paragraphs (not including the response from AI). 5 paragraphs for rebuttal and argument. 1 for opening statement and 1 for closing remarks.
AI Use Guidance
Students may extensively rely on GenAI technologies to complete tasks, such as natural language generation, advanced data analysis, or complex problem-solving.
Citation and screenshots required. See details in assignment instructions.
Ethical AI Use Reminder
Across all levels of GenAI use, you should consider ethical implications, which includes using a safe, secure, humane, transparent, and environmentally friendly approach to GenAI.