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Engaging Students in Hybrid Learning Classes
This session will share our ideas and experiences with the integration of online and physical audiences in hybrid classes utilizing tools such as Zoom and …
Strategies for Effective Feedback
This session will explore the use of available communication channels to help students pinpoint the areas needed for improvement. It will discuss the use of …
Student Wellness: An Interdisciplinary Course Approach
Student mental health is an increasing concern for college campuses to grapple with, especially post-COVID. Join this session to learn how two professors spearheaded the …
Teaching and Learning in the Real World: Client & Project Based Instruction
This session will highlight two projects designed to enhance student learning through real-world, workplace-applicable project-based instruction.
Promoting Active Learning through Flipped Classroom Techniques
In this session, Dr. Petko and Dr. Powless will share their experiences using flipped classroom techniques to promote active learning in their courses.
Helping Students Build a Positive Sense of Belonging
Faculty play a critical role in student support. In this session, the presenters will share several strategies to take advantage of their unique opportunities to …
Grading Effort and Process: How Rethinking What to Emphasize in Grading Impacts Student Learning Outcomes
This session will outline how two instructors revamped their grading processes for better student learning outcomes and more efficient grading by the instructors.
Effective Group Integration/Team Based Projects: Best Practices
The presenters will share the formation of groups in diverse courses (one is capstone) and provide steps to help faculty from group formation, to assigning …
Meeting Students Where They Are
Adapting our classrooms to the needs of our students is an important aspect of good teaching and learning. In this session, you will hear about …
Tools to Facilitate STEM-based Assessments
This session will explore solutions allowing students to receive helpful feedback to homework, quizzes, and exams while minimizing academic dishonesty by looking at 2 tools: …
Fostering Student Engagement by Empowering Student Choice
To enhance student ownership over their learning experience, students evaluated their own learning processes and had a voice in decisions related to course design and …
Game On!: Using Game-based Elements to Enhance Student Learning Outcomes
Join us to learn how instructors enliven their course content by adopting elements of gamification (game-based learning) and other strategies to their course design.
A Quick Guide for Asynchronous Teaching
This resource gives a quick overview of things to consider for online teaching, from class planning and organization to the ways you can engage students …
Copyright and Creative Commons: How to Find and Use Resources
A 30-minute presentation followed by 30-minute Q&A. Presentation on copyright and creative commons resources.
Implementing Alternative Grading in Math Courses
What can a grade convey? In our classes, we track student proficiency in each course learning objective and allow students multiple opportunities to demonstrate their …
Engaging Students with Real World Application of Learning in Business Courses
In this session, attendees will learn activities, strategies, and suggestions for strengthening student engagement with learning through real life application of concepts. The focus will …
Creative Fluency at Penn State
A collection of information and resources about fostering creativity and building creative assignments and activities.