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Submit an Event

Would you like to share an event across the Commonwealth Campuses? Fill in the form below with the event details to have it featured on the Commonwealth Campus Teaching Support website.

A short, 100-200 word summary of the event. This will be shown on search pages and the event calendar.

A full description of the event with date and time information. This will be shown on the event page.

Unless the Zoom link will be shared after registration, please include it here.

This is the link users can go to to register for the event.

This could be a flyer, poster, or other image related to your event.

Select who can attend this event. Select all that apply.

These categories define where the event will be listed in the "Topics" sections of the site. Select all that apply.

List any important tags that will help people find this content. For example, an event that teaches accessible Canvas tips may be tagged with "Canvas" and "DEI". To view popular tags on the site, expand the "Show Popular" option below.